SunDate: 19 Sept. 2011
Sun comes through this week with four prophecies that they say will come true this year. I split off the prediction of Doris Day's death as a candidate for Meanest Story of the Week, and here are the three others.
First: Obama Election bombshell as U.S. economy collapses
It's hard to have a bombshell eleven months before the votes are cast, but let's take a watch and wait attitude.
Elvis: new autopsy shows how The King really died.
He died at the age of 42, grotesquely fat and drugged out of his mind.
Any questions?
Fatima - Angel reveals fourth prophecy secrets
There were only three prophecies and three kids at Fatima.
Technically, this one doesn't say anything specific, but I will check in on New Year's Day to see if we know anything new about Obama's re-election campaign or Elvis Presley's pathetic demise.