วันอาทิตย์ที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Horror in Norway: Stories of survival.

Publication: People
Date: 8 August 2011

Once again, there's a big tragedy in the real world and only People puts it on the cover. This is just another example of People being the classiest and most reliable of the magazines you can buy at the supermarket checkout stand.

Least interesting cover story of the week: Soap star's secret wedding (photo inside)

Publication: Globe
Date: 8 August 2011

The annoying custom of stories without cover art continues, this time a teaser about a celebrity wedding without even a name on the cover. I didn't open the magazine to find out who and it wasn't on their website. If you care about this, you'll have to go find the magazine yourself.

Skeeter Davis Alert™: More bad stuff for 2011!

Publication: Sun

Date: 8 August 2011

The Sun has given us more bad things that will happen this year and credited some of their "most reliable" psychics. Of course they use everyone's favorite vague French 16th Century poet and prophet, Michel de Nostradamus, but also Black Elk, John the Baptist and Mother Teresa, a line-up they have used before.

No Nikki, Psychic to the Stars, sad to say.

The stuff that is supposed happen: Al Qaeda nukes, a White House scandal and a Medicare meltdown.

As long as the Tea Party has its way, the third thing is an option. The second could also take place. The first one... not really believable.

We'll see. And I promise to report back on 1/1/2012.

I've been confused about using Mother Teresa as a prophet. Teresa of Avila, sure, but Teresa of Calcutta? Well, her organization disavows this stuff and wishes people would stop. Not that their wishes carry any weight with a two-bit rag like the Sun.

วันเสาร์ที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

New Tattoo Technology

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Weekly World News alert: Alien backs Michele Bachmann for President!

Publication: Weekly World News (via the Sun)
Date: 8 August 2011

Weekly World News brings back the politically astute Space Alien who endorses presidential candidates. The being from another planet is backing Michele Bachmann for president in 2012. The alien has a pretty good track record, endorsing Clinton in 1992 and Bush in 2000, but it should not be forgotten the alien first backed Ross Perot and then changed his mind, so a Bachmann presidency is not a done deal, thank Odin, Vishnu and the little baby Jebus.

Kick a FRESH corpse, why don'tcha? Peter Falk didn't have to die

Publication: Globe
Date: 8 August 2011

In the Three Wicked Step Sister tabloids, the most popular types of stories about the recently deceased are the secrets taken to the grave, people feuding over the will and the "didn't have to die" stories. Peter Falk gets the third type of treatment this week from the Globe.

Least interesting cover story of the week: Maci betrayed by Ryan's nude scandal

Publication: OK!
Date: 8 August 2011

It's always a treat when there is no Teen Mom story on the covers of The Only Ten Magazines That Matter, which was the case last week. This week is almost as good, since there is only one story and it has no artwork associated, a headline about Maci and Ryan and some nude scandal, though it sounds like he's nekkid instead of her, which is slightly unusual in these cases.

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Holidays to Israel Tel aviv

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